Monday, May 18, 2009

2009 Meteor Showers

I found a pretty neat website that tells you which months are good for viewing meteors. The site shows you the dates, frequency, and moon phase. Choose a clear, dark night and look into the night sky for satellietes and meteors! Check out Skyscrapers, Inc. more information.


  1. dear mr.sanderson,
    i still get on the blog i really
    am glad i didn't break my ankie this summer. have a nice summer.

    your friend josie

  2. Hey Josie!!

    I'm so glad you still get on the blog. I'll have to keep updating some things over the summer so it's more interesting for you! I'm in Philly right now as Lacie is getting ready to take a 5 hr. test!! I bet you are glad I didn't made you take a 5 hr. test in 2nd and 3rd grade!! HAHA Have a great summer Josie, and be safe!! It was nice to hear from you!

    Mr. Sanderson

  3. mr.sandreson,
    it's cool to here from you in philly.i'm glad it's going to be in the 90s sunday monday and tuesday.

    your friend josie

  4. Hi mr.sanderson are you having a good summer? We are.Yesterday we had camp with the girl scouts .We went horse back riding .A horse stepped on my foot.His name Mavrick.He was slow.Sarah horses' name was Cody.Cody kept trying to pass Mavrick.Mavrick was taking his good old time.How do you like your house?Our house is almost done.The house finally has water in it.And all of the appliances are in. your friends Nikki and Sarah

  5. Hi Nikki and Sarah!! I am having a good summer! I have been very busy so far and it is going by fast! Sounds like you had a great time at Girl Scout camp! Mavrick needs to watch where he is going! haha...I hope your foot is ok! I am really enjoying my house a lot! I just got a deck put on the back and have been spending a lot of time out there! I bet you can't wait for your house to be done, it sounds like it is getting close! You girls have a great summer and feel free to write any time! Thanks for checking in!

  6. dear Mr.sanderson how do you get in to halloween hangman?I'v been trying to get into it.thanks.Talk to you soon.
    your friend Sarah and Nikki

  7. Try this link girls...

  8. Hi Mr.sanderson are you ready to come back to school?I is your summer going?Mine is going great.
    your friend Nikki

  9. Hi Nikki! My summer is going great too! I have been really busy and the time is flying by. I'm ready to come back to school and start watching for birds of prey again! I hope we see just as many or more eagles this coming year. Enjoy the rest of your summer, and tell your sister I said hello. How is the house coming along? Thanks for writing!

  10. the house going great .it is almost dome all we need is hot will be done soon. yourfriend nikki

  11. sorry about the typo it is spose to be done not dome by agin and sorry Nikki

  12. woops i forgot my name sorry this is cassie

  13. Hi Cassie!

    I'm so glad you got on the blog site. I'll get more information on here shortly. Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday.
