Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring At Lack Tuscarora

Feeding Time

Crow Chasing a Bald Eagle

Crow Chasing a Red-Tailed Hawk


  1. Mr.sanderson
    That was very amazing at fized
    thanks to you and your outside time today i love you


  2. Dear Mr.Sanderson
    I'm have a good day with my Mom
    but she gets pritty whied here she
    but evern buddy is pretty wheird her and all the older girls are adoring me and i a'm so in barist

    love ,leda and cornne

  3. mr.sanderson you are the best

  4. Hi Mr.Sanderson,
    I'm doing good I just got 4 more ducks. (2 mallards and 2 pekins)

    My swan died thursday.
    Oh and i got an american bulldog a couple of months ago.

    Well got to get goin.
    Love Hunter Laird
    P.S. I got 3 things 1 Morgan is doin ok. 2 I got to go to Harrisburg monday to take my science pssa And three tell 4th grade I said hi.

  5. Mr Sanderson that day was alsome i mise your class do you like your new class.Are thay doing ok Mr.Sanderson.

    By Mikayla owens

  6. mr.sanderson wey did you not write back.

    by.mikayla owens
