Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Adding Comments

Thanks for all who have commented on the blog site. I really enjoy reading and communicating through it. It keeps us connected at home and even during the weekend. For those of you who have commented but it has not shown up, follow these steps....Choose anonymous as an identity (be sure to leave your name so I know who it was), leave your comment, and then fill in the word verification exactly as is appears. Finally, click "Publish Your Comment." If you follow those steps your comment will be posted. You can comment on or about anything...


  1. The Source is a really cool idea!

  2. How is your weekend?

  3. I hear from my Garndguhters that you are a great teacher.And I am happy to hear they are getting the best.THANK YOU!

  4. I hear from my Garndgdauhters that you are a great teacher.And I am happy to hear they are getting the best.THANK YOU!

  5. this is sarah i am the one who wanted to know how your weekend has been.

  6. Hey Sarah! My weekend is going well. I got our Christmas tree yesterday and took a bike ride. I'll be working most of today on Grad class work because Thursday is my last day of it. Are you and Nikki having a good weekend?
