Friday, November 30, 2007

2 Bald Eagles & 1 Angry Crow!

At the end of first recess Darin Love spotted a bald eagle soaring southeast around the Tuscarora Creek. Just before we went inside Grant Parson spotted another eagle coming up from the creek and it flew behind Mr. Berry's house. The white of the head and tail was so brilliant against the brown ridge behind it. Amazingly an angry crow started diving at the second eagle! Finally, the eagles flew off toward the north. Since the migration of bald eagles has passed, I would say these eagles are here to stay for the winter. We should continue to have sightings throughout the winter months....Awesome!


  1. Dear Mr.Sanderson, It was so cool that we got to go to PENN STATE! I really had a great time there. I had lots of fun. I hope we get to go there again. And I wish you a great MERRY CHIRSTMAS! YOUR STUDENT MEGAN

  2. Mr. Sanderson,
    these birds must be visious

  3. Hi,Mr.sanderson just checking on the old blog. I realy MISS being in your class.I hope you like your new class just as much as us.PLEASE WRITE BACK. love karrie michaela boone
