Friday Bald Eagle
Another lucky Friday ends with a bald eagle sighting! The last two have been spotted from Mr. Hart's window. Mrs Ricedorf, our new principal was very excited and right out there with the kids observing the eagle. This eagle soared around long enough for me to snap a few pics of it. I even saw another bald eagle heading home from school right near the Millerstown river bridge!
Mr.sanderson I think that bold eagle siting was very cool. Do you think it was cool.How is your weekend?Mine is fine. plese write back soon YOUR STUDENT SARAH
Thanks for posting the picture Mr. Sanderson. Believe it or not that is a sunrise at 6:30 in the am. It looks like it should be a sun set as dark as it is. Glad you enjoyed the pictures. Hope you had a restful day off and Darin hopes you are feeling better.
I can't believe that is a sunrise! Is your icon pic from Cancun as well? Thanks for the well wishes! I really needed another day to recover, I was feeling pretty rough. Take care!
Mr. Sanderson- Yes, my icon is another picture from there. Our pictures turned out better than I thought they would. I used those disposable cameras and they really turned out good. Some of them look like something you would see in a magazine. Take care.
Mr.sanderson how do you get on your
dad website. love darin
it is...
Mr.sanderson if you look carfully
at the tail of the eagle it looks
like a fether is mising
your student sam
p.s.I really do not want to leave
this school.
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