Monday, January 30, 2012

Winter Days

Winter Days

By Kenton Woods 

Every morning on winter days
I wake up and sing this phrase

" I see the birds up in flocks 
Snow spreading on the ground 
Like something fragile in a box

Making hot chocolate at 9 am
While snow shines just like a gem

Sledding and making gingerbread
Covered with snow from toe to head

Making a huge snow maze
All of this on winter days."


  1. Hey Mr.Sanderson hows it going at lack?I wish it would have snowed more don't you? Oh well we still get out in may.Say hi to all the teachers I really miss them all.

    your friends always,
    Nikki and Sarah

  2. Hi Nikki and Sarah! How are you girls doing? I hope your school year is going well! I'll tell the other teachers you miss them. It sure doesn't seem much like winter. Although I have been able to get out riding bike more. We could still get some snow, I'm sure that groundhog will see his shadow..haha

    Take care!

  3. mr sanderson i like how kenton rymes in his poem bailey
