Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Lucky Encounter

Photo taken from Colleen Caul's website

With all the rain and flooding in the area, the chance of seeing a runner going by the school today was pretty slim. That's exactly what happened this afternoon outside our school. This particular runner was on a special mission! Colleen Caul is running from St. Louis, MO to New York City! Her route took her by the school and Mr. Hart, the students, and I were fortunate enough to catch up to her as she took a quick break. Click on the link to follow Colleen on her 1,000 mile journey which will see her reach her goal of New York City on Sept. 23rd. She is raising money to help find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis, a disease affecting her family. Awesome job Colleen, you are very inspiring! Lack Tuscarora students and staff are cheering you on!!


  1. awesome gril runfor rozes sind bryson

  2. I love the girl for runforroses!

  3. do not for get charlie brown the great pumpkin pacth and this is his cusin tyshawna
