Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wrestling Squirrels

I think these two squirrels need a lesson on Lack Lion rules! My trail camera caught these two naughty squirrels in a sumo wrestling position!


  1. HI Mr.Sanderson
    how are you. What happened in WERE THE RED FERN GROWS? See you on Monday Frances

  2. Hi Frances!

    I hope you girls had a great time in State College. I can't wait to hear about the event, and swimming...: )

    In "Where The Red Fern Grows" Billy makes a bet with the mean Pritchard boys. They bet Billy $2 that his dogs can't tree the Ghost Coon. The chapter ended with Old Dan and Little Ann putting the coon up a tree. However, the Ghost Coon seems to have disappeared. Do you think Billy will win the bet?

    See you girls Monday

  3. i love that pic it is funny

  4. Hi Mr.Sanderson,
    I miss 3rdgrade already and our classmates especially Blake because we won't get to see him any more p.s.say hi to Ellie and Lacie

    p.p.s.Stop in any time t
    his summer

  5. Hi Frances! Tell Riley I said "Hello" as well. I went out to Zimmerman's Bike Shop after school today. My shifter cable broke and I needed a new cable so I could fix it. Keep writing this summer. I hope to add a few new pictures as well. I hope I get to see you girls this summer!

    Take care!!

  6. Mr.Sanderson
    We watched Two Towers Lord of the Rings (mabe Riley told you) I miss school more and more everyday

    Frances:) :) :) :)

  7. Hi Mr.sanderson
    can't say much becaue we're going to leave but just want to say hi


  8. hay Mr.Sanderson are you having fun ? Do you have any thought of when you possible be up thrue here? Riley

  9. Hi Riley,

    I am having a fun summer! I am very busy getting ready for next Saturday's bike tour ride. I'm not sure exactly when I'll get up your way. Lacie has been really busy with school and we have not gone many places. I hope you girls are having a great summer!

  10. The wrestling squirrels!

  11. The wrestling squirrels!

  12. THATS FUNNY !!!!!!!!!! BAILEY
