Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gettysburg Address

145 years ago Abraham Lincoln gave one of the most famous speeches in American history. Lincoln gave his address on the afternoon of November 19, 1863. This short 2 minute speech came four and a half months after the battle of Gettysburg.


  1. ther was this guy who bought this
    picture that hade the gettysburg adress in it my dad almost got it
    but he didn't it was50$ i think
    when my dad told me i said no way he
    said yes then i belived him

  2. there was this guy who bought this
    picture that had the gettysburg in
    it my dad told his friend to get it
    but he didn't it was 50$ i think when my dad told me i said no way then he said yes then i belived him

    tasha parson
    the other was a mess up

  3. ther was this guy who bought this
    picture that hade the gettysburg adress in it my dad almost got it
    but he didn't it was50$ i think
    when my dad told me i said no way he
    said yes then i belived him

  4. Dear Mr.Sanderson
    We really misted you to day and our
    does not now how to do like the soccer thing and the other team
    won and we acshley won
    but uter than thet she was good

    love leda

  5. Dear Mr.Sanderson
    We really misted you to day and our
    does not now how to do like the soccer thing and the other team
    won and we acshley won
    but uter than thet she was good

    love leda

  6. Mr.Sanderson,
    Hi it's Hunter LAIRD.
    I like cyber school.

    It is a lought harder then regular school.

    Love, Hunter

  7. Mr.Sanderson,
    Hi it's Hunter LAIRD.
    I like cyber school.

    It is a lought harder then regular school.

    Love, Hunter
    P.S Tell 4th grade I said hi!

  8. Hi Hunter!

    We miss you and your sister a lot at school! I'm sure you'll do great with cyber school, you are very intelligent! Thanks for writng!

    Mr. Sanderson

  9. Dear, Mr. Sanderson
    Thanks for writing back.
    As for you missing my sister well having to listen to hear all day is driving me bannas!
    Also my tiping skills have tripled.
    And I did have a girlfriend for a little while Tasha. P
    We talked and text each other.
    Love Hunter
    P.s My sister said she is acting like a dog. If you had to listen to her 24 7 you would rethink.

  10. Dear, Mr. Sanderson
    It's Hunter.
    I just finished school I had 2 test in math.
    Love, Hunter

  11. Dear Scott,

    I am getting annoyed by my sister.
    she acts stupud.
    Love Hunter
    P.S My email address is

    I really liked the Gettysburg Address


  13. hi mr. sanderson what are you doing i hope we all have a great school day tommorw i really loved school so far.

    love cassie m
