Thursday, June 19, 2008

More From Alaska

Hey class! Erv and Sandra (my aunt) sent us some more cool stuff from Homer Alaska. They loved the cards you sent them, and I know they were impressed by your awesome artwork! More importantly they respect and admire your appreciation for birds. Use that gift to teach others how to respect them as well. Erv and Sandra used the picture we sent them and put it into the eagle's wing...way cool! Also, check out for the story of the bald eagle who got a new beak!

Hope you are having a great summer,

Mr. Sanderson


  1. Dear Mr.Sanderson I love the pics of the eagle with us in the wing its awesome!!!!!!anyway are u going to have a party or what? I was waiting for a phone call!!! But any way I did not know u painted 7 days on u'r house.well see ya! from Meg beasom!!!!

    Mr. Sanderson, that eagle pic is so cool!! Is their any way to get a copy of it?

    Sis Beasom

  2. Hey guys...It's so nice to hear from you!! I'm glad you liked the picture! I'll bring the eagle picture to school, and maybe I can get a digital copy of it to print out in color. Actually, my aunt(Sandra)is coming in from Alaska in early Oct. and she wants to come to Lack and talk about eagles and her experience in Alaska.

    The party will have to be on hold for a little, as I haven't even moved in yet. I should be in the house in about 2 weeks or so. I have been so busy with the house!! I'll get a little break from it next week as I'm starting another grad class.

    Take care!!

    Mr. Sanderson

  3. scott i seen a boldegle in a tree at my houe i stod uoder the

    love darin

  4. scott i seen a boldegle in a tree at my houe i stod uoder the

    love darin

  5. Hey Mr. Sanderson Thanks for writing back to us. I am sooo excited that your Aunt is coming. I hope she can come to our school!!
    My mom says thanks for the info about the picture. It would be really cool to get on. On Friday we went to New York and stayed until Saturday. We went to Watkins Glen and saw the waterfalls and then we went to the Corning Glass Museum. We got to make our own glass. I loved the trip alot. You should have been there it was so cool. I'll see you later.
    Meg Beasom

  6. Hey mr.sanderson is the house going ok? o hey i WENT TO SEE THE JONAS BROTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT WAS AESOME!!! I loved it!!!! I want to see them aigan sooooooooooo bad. i miss it sooooooooooo much.o any way if the house is done call about the party. o my mom wants to know your new address.just write back. your student meg beasom rock on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. dear Mr.sanderson, its me josie. i just got internet on my computer. ihope you had fun at the winter wonderland

    love josie

  8. Mr.sanderson can you make us one of the baldeagle.

    yes or on

    Love Mikayla
