Friday, December 7, 2007


Here is a picture of us with our awesome Charlie Brown Christmas tree. It looks even better now as several students brought in ornaments to decorate it. Don't forget to get your permission slip signed to be able to go on our State College field trip next Friday. Have a great weekend!

H.W. Read "Tops and Bottoms" / Study Lesson 14 spelling words


  1. Mr.sanderson how is your weekend? did you see any deer siteings?are dad did not see anything. I am ready to go back to school. are you? from sarah and nikki

  2. Hey girls, my weekend is going really well. My dad got a 7 point on Sat. He missed an even bigger buck earlier in the day! I got a nice bike ride in on Sat. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  3. Hello Mr.Sanderson,

  4. WOW, what a great Christmas tree, I love it. The very best part of this particular tree is all the beautiful gifts you have under the tree in this picture:) I can't wait to hear all bout your trip to state collage this friday!
    make a great day everyone
    from Robin Boone

  5. Hay Mr.Sanderson,
    whats up and new wiht your third grade calss this year? I really wish that I could be with all you guys at Lack but on the other hand I love Junior High too! Can you believe that I am almost half way through middle school!I probably am making you and Mr. Hart look really old. Tell everyone I said "hello".
    Love Kels Beasom {Meg's older sister}

  6. Thanks for all the great comments! Have a great Christmas!!

  7. Mr.Sanderson nice charly brown Christmas tree ha! ha! ha! from:sam MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

  8. Dear mr. sanderson I hope you have a great weekend. Megan might be coming over to my house on Sunday YEAY. Ifeel bad about your 'friend' HA HA HA. love josie

  9. i miss you so much!I am about in tears looking at this pic of us.I will still treasure the moments we had in 2nd and 3rd grade with you Mr.sanderson.

    love karrie
