Friday, November 9, 2007

Deep In Thought: Poems...

Click the link below to hear these students reading their poems
Or go to...
by Nikki Renninger

Birds, birds everywhere
Flying left, flying right
Chirping, gliding, soaring, through the air
When the feeder is full
Birds look, birds hunt, birds scatter
To race, to eat, to go to flight
When babies grow big and strong
They go and fly and play every day

by Josie Rice

I ride my bike
Left and right
Up and down
I’m out of sight

by Gaige Kachel

Bears can be black
Bears can be brown
Don’t get too close
Or, they’ll make a frown

Birds in the Sky
by Connor Henry

Cats are low, birds are high
Does that bird like the sky
Or, does he just swoop by to say hi

So High
by Logan Mellott

I wish I could fly
Ever so high
Like a bald eagle
In the sky

Birds All Colors
by Sarah Renninger

Birds are red
Birds are brown
All you have to do
Is look around

by Sierra Nailor

Trees, trees, trees
Everywhere, every color
On the ground
Down down
On the ground

by Shane Kint

Jackalopes are big
Jackalopes are small
They all look funny
As they fall

My Brother a Wrestler

by Hunter Laird

My brother is a wrestler
So am I
We both win
We both lose
We just do our best

by Megan Beasom

My family loves Thanksgiving
When we go to my grams
We eat turkey
And Thanksgiving ham


  1. Mr.Sanderson I really like the piuter of the puffins. I really like the beck.Because the beack is colerful.My pairents really like the poems that we wrote. YOUR STUNENT, MEGAN

  2. I am very impressed and proud of the wonderful writers in our third grade class. Keep up the great work everyone and Thanks for all of your hard work Mr. Sanderson!
    Mrs. Kint

  3. Dear Mr.Sanderson I can not wait till school starts again. Me and my pap are going hunting tomorrow but we got the camper ready today. YOUR FRIEND JOSIE
