Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bald Eagle

We spotted this migrating bald eagle this morning as it was heading south. The eagle was riding the strong winds with this high pressure system and was out of sight pretty quickly. Read Danger-Icebergs for homework tonight.


  1. Mr.Sanderson we really like the picture of the bald eagle. The picture of the comet is really cool.My family and I are going to try to go out and try to see it. Your Stutent, megan

  2. Thanks Meg! I'm glad you are reading the blog. I'm sure you will get to see the comet, it will be around for a while. Make sure you pick a clear night :o)

  3. Mr.Sanderson thank you for writing back to me. When you look at the bald eagle you really can see the wite on it. And it's really cool how you could get up close at the bald eagle. And please try to writ back to me. YOU'R STUNTE, MEGAN

  4. mr. sanderson did you go hunting today.

  5. I was cutting wood this morning. I hope to get out archery hunting tonight. I think the buck are really on the move, maybe I'll get lucky.

  6. i might go with tim so good
